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Viss - Share, Discover, Shop the Look on Social Style & Fashion LookBook Magazine

4.2 ( 2512 ratings )
生活 娱乐
开发 Vissible Co & Limited




1. 与其他时尚风格者互动,令自己成为流行尖端
2. 发掘亚洲及世界的流行风格、品牌
3. 自拍后标签一身服饰,展现风格之余亦能赋予其他用家衣着灵感。更可从中赚取金钱。
4. 看到合适的衣着风格便可立即购买。



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"Think of Viss as you would a cookbook – the outcome is the essence of true tastemakers – but the ingredients, now thats where the secrets really lye!" - DressMeBlog

"The app has a very slick design, and it lets you identify different articles of clothing by tagging them. You can select categories like shoes, hats, etc; and you can also tag items with their brand name." - Yahoo! News

"Viss is definitely an app that youll want to check out" - Tech in Asia

"Fashion版Instagram,本土时装应有尽有, 同埋viss系有好多亚洲人玩,包括香港人,如果作服装参考既话,亚洲模特儿就更容易做比对啦。" - DigitPepper

"Fashionistas: get you game on! Think Youve got what it takes to be a trendsetter? Viss is the new app for fashion loves" - ​​Time Out Magazine

"这个app最好之处,是你可以从其他人的衣着中,寻找到自己打扮的灵感,看到别人的衣服饰物,又可以即时知道它的品牌, 犹如与无数的时装爱好友在网上漫谈。" - ELLE Hong Kong

"我现在终于明白为何有那么多时尚博客对Viss情有独钟,从公共内容信息流判断,Viss的照片质量相当不错。我原本以为自己会被淹没于各种无聊的照片之中,但事实并非如此。这款应用设计简洁、直观,你只要对它们做标签,就能找到不同的时尚文章。你既可以选择像鞋帽这样的类别,也可以用品牌名称对物品做标签。" - 亚洲科技